Embarras Grazing Partnership
Since 2020, the CCSWCD, The Land Connection, U of I Extension, Terra Elossa, LLC, IL Soybean Association, and the Pasture Project have partnered to provide education and resources to increase regenerative grazing practices in and near the Embarras River Watershed.
What We Do
Get Involved
In 2020, The Pasture Project identified the Embarras River Watershed as a high priority and high suitability watershed for regenerative grazing (read the story map here). This could bring many benefits to the landscape, most notably improving water quality, as the Embarras is recognized by the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy as a high priority watershed for phosphorus reductions.
The EGP first began outreach and education about regenerative grazing in 2020 through a Lumpkin Family Foundation grant, creating an introductory series for educators, then for farmers, to learn how regenerative grazing could be incorporated into East Central IL farm management plans.
Currently, the EGP is operating educational opportunities through a NCR-SARE Professional Development Program grant. See "Get Involved" for more information about upcoming events and resources!
Check here for upcoming events and new resources developed by the EGP or partners in the regenerative grazing space! Event information and registration is conducted through The Land Connection website. Links to register are coming soon!
Upcoming events:
Regenerative Grazing Office Hours Series
Free online discussions about common regenerative grazing questions, hosted on REGAIN!
Regenerative Grazing Winter Field Days
A spin-off from the Summer Field Days in June, we will host a two-day in-classroom workshop and field day to discuss winter grazing management on March 7 & 8!
First 25 registrants will receive a free bucket of grazing tools & supplies, valued at $150!
Regenerative Grazing Resources
Roadmap for Expanding Regenerative Grazing in Illinois 2021-2025
Expanding Regenerative Grazing Story Map
Selecting for Grass-Based Genetics - Allen Williams, https://pastureproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/grass-fed-genetics.pdf
​Wortham Lectures in Animal Science - Jan C. Bonsma
Choosing the Right Cattle for Your Climate and Management - Steve Campbell